Payments and taxes

  • All prices are in EUR and exclusive of VAT and any other taxes and deductions. All pricing for Products and Services and other charges due hereunder are exclusive of all applicable taxes like value added tax, sales taxes, duties, fees, levies or surcharges (including where applicable any Universal Service Fund or similar surcharges) imposed by, or pursuant to the laws, statutes or regulations of any governmental agency or authority, all of which shall be the sole responsibility of the Party purchasing the affected Products and Services and paid promptly when due by such Party, and furthermore, such Party agrees to indemnify and hold the other Party harmless from any liability therefor. Except as set forth herein, all amounts payable by the Parties under this Agreement shall be made without any deduction or counterclaim and, except to the extent required by any law or regulation, free and clear of any deduction or withholding on account of any tax, duty or other charges of whatever nature imposed by any taxing or governmental authority. If a Party is required by any law or regulation to make any such deduction or withholding such Party shall, together with the relevant payment, pay such additional amount as will ensure that the other Party actually receives and is entitled to retain, free and clear of any such deduction or withholding, the full amount which it would have received if no such deduction or withholding had been required.

  • You must mandatorily register a credit/debit card (referred to as “credit card” in this Agreement) for an account on CY Platform before services can be provisioned or used by You. Payments are charged automatically to Your registered credit card/debit card unless otherwise agreed in writing by CY. CY may discretionarily require certain securities and/or reject payment via bank transfers.

  • Charges for continuing services such as connectivity and platform services that are recurring in nature are invoiced monthly in arrears latest by 5th day of the following month if You have been granted credit limit by CY. In case You are not granted credit limit by CY, You may prepay the services like a prepaid balance. In case of prepaid services model invoices are generated latest by 5th day of the previous month.

  • All payments for non-continuing services are invoiced when a Product and Service is confirmed by You on the Order Form and will be charged immediately. If we have accepted payment by bank transfer, Products and Services will not be shipped or delivered until You make payments.

  • Late payment charges and interest at 1% per week of the total due amount will be charged by CY.

  • If You have complaints and/or questions about any fees, payments and/or charges, You may contact CY.

  • CY may withhold and set off an amount equal to any fees, owed by You to CY in any amounts owed by CY to You.

  • There are following types of charging models.

    • Postpaid (auto charging) - The process and timelines for payments, suspension/termination of services is as explained below in case where invoiced amounts are charged automatically to the registered credit card.

      • Invoice generation and charging - Invoice amount is charged to the registered credit card immediately upon invoice generation and invoices are sent by email to your registered email address.

      • Retry period - In case of a failure to charge the registered credit card, the system will retry once per day for 15 days until payment collection is successful. You will be sent a notice on the date of the first failed attempt by email to Your registered email address.

      • Suspension period - If You fail to resolve the issue and make the payment within the the retry period i.e. within 15 days from invoice generation then all SIMs and services for which the payment is due will be suspended. SIMs and services will stay in suspension state until the end of the month. It is possible to activate the SIMs and services within the suspension period by making all overdue payments.

      • Termination - If the payments are not received by the end of the suspension period, then all SIMs and services for which the payment is overdue will be permanently terminated on the last day of the current month before commencement of the new billing period/month. It is not possible to recover the SIMs or service once terminated.

    • Postpaid (bank transfer) - The process and timelines for payments, suspension/termination of services is as explained below in case payments by bank transfers are approved by CY.

      • Invoice generation and charging - Invoices are sent by email to Your registered email address. You must pay the invoice by bank transfer to the CY bank account mentioned on the invoice. CY must receive the payment in CY account latest by the due date.

      • Payment period - Payments must be made within 15 days from the due date, or as per the due date mentioned on the invoice.

      • Suspension period - If You fail to resolve the issue and make the payment within the payment period i.e. within 15 days from invoice generation then all SIMs and services for which the payment is due will be suspended. SIMs and services will stay in suspension state until the end of the month. It is possible to activate the SIMs and services within the suspension period by making all overdue payments.

      • Termination - If the payments are not received by the end of the suspension period, then all SIMs and services for which the payment is overdue will be permanently terminated on the last day of the current month before commencement of the new billing period/month. It is not possible to recover the SIMs or service once terminated.

    • Prepaid (auto charging) - The process and timelines for payments, suspension/termination of services is as explained below in case where invoiced amounts are charged automatically to the registered credit card.

      • Invoice generation and charging - Invoice amount is charged to the registered credit card immediately upon invoice generation and invoices are sent by email to your registered email address. Invoices are generated 1 month in advance i.e. latest by 5th day of the previous month.

      • Retry period - In case of a failure to charge the registered credit card, the system will retry once per day until payment collection is successful or the last day of the month, whichever comes earlier. You will be sent a notice on the date of the first failed attempt by email to Your registered email address.

      • Suspension Period - If You fail to resolve the issue and make the payment within the retry period then all SIMs and services for which the payment is due will be suspended/terminated by CY.

      • Termination - If the payments are not received by the end of the suspension period, then all SIMs and services for which the payment is overdue will be permanently terminated on the last day of the month before commencement of the new billing period/month. It is not possible to recover the SIMs or service once terminated.

    • Prepaid (bank transfer) - The process and timelines for payments, suspension/termination of services is as explained below in case payments by bank transfers are approved by CY.

      • Invoice generation and charging - Invoices are generated 1 month in advance i.e. latest by 5th day of the previous month. Invoices are sent by email to Your registered email address. You must pay the invoice by bank transfer to the CY bank account mentioned on the invoice. CY must receive the payment in CY account latest by the due date.

      • Payment period - Payments must be made within 15 days from the due date, or as per the due date mentioned on the invoice.

      • Suspension Period - If You fail to resolve the issue and make the payment within the payment period then all SIMs and services for which the payment is due will be suspended/terminated by CY.

      • Termination - If the payments are not received by the end of the suspension period, then all SIMs and services for which the payment is overdue will be permanently terminated on the last day of the month before commencement of the new billing period/month. It is not possible to recover the SIMs or service once terminated.

Last updated

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