On the left navigation panel, under the Account menu, click on Users to find details of the users. Optionally the settings menu also displays the number of users as a navigation link.
An account can have multiple users. The first admin user created can add/ delete/ modify users. An admin user can add a new user by clicking the "+ Add User" button on top of the table.
User roles
An account can have multiple users. The first admin user created can add/ delete/ modify users. An admin user can add a new user by clicking the "+ Add User" button on top of the table.
Each user has to be assigned a role. The roles define the type of actions a user can perform. These are controlled at an API level and are consistent for both UI and APIs.
Admin: users can perform actions that involve GET, PUT, POST, DELETE (i.e. all actions possible as a user)
Viewer: users can only perform actions that involve GET (i.e. the user can only view the information on the platform but cannot implement any change via the platform)
Editor: users can perform actions that involve GET, PUT, POST (i.e. the user cannot perform delete functions, e.g. deleting a user)
User profile
A user can update their user profile by clicking the top right corner user bubble and selecting User Settings.
Last updated