SIMs - Overview

The Overview tab offers a comprehensive summary of the SIM card, providing details such as the Number of SIM profiles downloaded on the card. Additionally, the tab includes information about Transactions associated with the SIM card, allowing users to track events like eUICC, Billing status.

SIM Profiles on Card

The SIM Profiles on Card section provides information about the SIM profiles downloaded on the SIM card. It includes the following details:

Apply Filter

Users also have the ability to apply filters and customize the columns according to their preferences on the Overview tab.

Export CSV Report

Furthermore, users can download filtered data in a file format of their choice, facilitating data analysis and further processing as per their requirements.


The Transactions section provides information about various operations or transactions related to the SIM card. It includes the following details:

  • Operations ID: An ID associated with the specific operation or transaction.

  • ICCID: The ICCID of the SIM profile associated with the transaction.

  • Updated At: The date and time when the transaction was last updated.

  • Operation Type: The type of operation performed, such as changing the billing status, SIM reset, audit, enabling profile, setting fallback, downloading profile, deleting profile, etc.

  • Message: A message or description related to the transaction, such as "Request was denied by the RSP platform.

  • Status: The status of the transaction, indicating whether it was successful, in progress, pending, rejected, or cancelled.

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