Transaction History

Under the Transactions History menu, the user can see all asynchronous transaction requests made by any user in the account (by UI or API).

Basic table features

  • Search: for a specific SIM by entering the EID/ ICCID of the SIM or name of the operation or user email ID who initiated the operation

  • Filtering/Sorting: the table allows filtering/sorting where applicable and resetting of the filters

  • Column selection: select the columns to be displayed

  • Pagination: select how many rows of data (bulk transactions) should be displayed & navigate multiple pages of history

The Transaction History table is explained below.



Type of action triggered by a user (e.g. change billing status, Change Bill plan, Enable profile, etc.).

The user can click the name to view details of the operation

Created at

The timestamp when the user triggered the Operation

Updated at

The timestamp when the Operation Status was updated by the platform


Explains the type of action triggered by a user


Indicates whether the Operation triggered was:

  • COMPLETED - a resolution has been met for all transactions in the Bulk Operation

  • FAILED - the bulk operation failed due to some errors

  • IN_PROGRESS - some of the transactions in the Bulk Operation are still in progress

  • CANCELED - the bulk operation has been cancelled

Transactions statistics

Statistics of the operation summarised by - Total Tasks, Succeeded, Remaining, Failed, Invalid, Rejected

Last updated