eUICC Details
In order to access the detailed view of the SIM, the user can search for the EID and then click on it. This action will lead to the detailed information page of the specific SIM.
eUICC actions
User can perform any of the below-mentioned actions on the SIM. However, the action must be performed once the previous one has been completed.
While performing the below mentioned actions, the user has an option to either "Execute Now" or "Execute at the next network event".
Action Execution options
Execute Now - Action will be performed immediately upon the user's command without waiting for any events or triggers.
Execute on next network event - Action will be held & executed upon the next network event.
An audit is performed in order to check if the SIM is available on the network to perform further eUICC operations. The platform sends a command to the SIM via Over-The-Air SMS to which it responds back by opening a data channel towards the platform sharing the current status.
Auditing a SIM card
Select the ICCID & click on "Audit"
Audit command is sent to the ICCID which is "Enabled"
Profile Download
It refers to the remote downloading or provisioning of a different profile onto the SIM card.
Downloading a profile
Click on the "Download Profile"
Pop-up window will show two options to users -
Download from Pool
In case the user has already created a pool & assigned ICCIDs into it, then selecting that pool will automatically download a profile from the available profiles in that pool.
Download specific profile
The list of all the profiles available for download in the user's account will be shown here, user can click "Download" on the profile they want to be downloaded in the SIM card.
Enabled Profile
It refers to the profile, which is currently active on the SIM card & will be used for all the communication & network services.
Enabling a profile
Select the profile to be enabled & click on "Enable Profile"
Setting Fallback
Setting a fallback on a profile ensures seamless network connectivity in case the enabled network is unavailable. The fallback mechanism allows the eUICC to automatically switch to the alternate network when the enabled network is not accessible or experiencing issues. It helps maintain continuous communication and avoids service disruptions for devices using eUICC technology.
Selecting a profile as a fallback
Users can select the profile they want to keep the fallback attribute on & click "Set Fallback"
Delete Profile
Users can delete a downloaded profile from the SIM in case they wish to use it on another SIM card/doesn't want to keep it in the SIM anymore. A deleted profile will go back to inventory, i.e. available for download.
Deleting a "Bootstrap" profile will be an irreversible action, as those profiles can't be used again for any purpose.
Deleting a profile
Select the profile & click on "Delete"
A profile can only be deleted if it is "Disabled"
Last updated