The Usage section shows all SMS/ Data/ Voice usage per session for all SIM profiles as received from the connectivity provider.
Basic table features
Date range selection: User can select a specific date range for which he is looking for usage session data.
Search: for a specific profile via the ICCID filter-search
Filtering/Sorting: the table allows filtering/sorting where applicable and resetting of the filters
Column selection: select the columns to be displayed
Pagination: select how many rows should be displayed & navigate multiple pages of the table
Item | Explanation |
ICCID | The connectivity profile’s identifier. All ICCIDs are shown. |
Session Time | Timestamp of when the session ended |
Duration | Duration in seconds of how long the session remained open |
Data | Data usage session rounded to nearest KB |
SMS | SMS usage count |
Voice | Voice usage information |
Type | DATA/ SMS/ VOICE to identify the type of usage |
Direction | MO is Mobile Originating/ Outgoing MT is Mobile Terminating/ Incoming This is relevant for SMS & Voice only. Data is marked as MO by default but is bi-directional. |
Country | Country in which the session took place |
Operator | Network operator on which the session took place |
MCC | Country code |
MNC | Network Code |
Last updated