Access the monthly Usage Records report generated on the 10th. CDRs retained for 45 days starting June 2023.
Usage Records report.
"Reports" menu has been added for accessing the Usage Records report, providing valuable insights into call activities.
On the 10th night of each month, IOH will automatically generate a .CSV file containing detailed CDRs from the previous month.
Starting from June 2023, CDRs will be retained for 45 days instead of 90 days.
Field Name | Description |
iccid | ICCID of the SIM card |
eid | EID (Embedded SIM ID) of the SIM card |
network_imei | IMEI of the device on the network side |
user_defined_imei | User-defined IMEI for the device |
sim_profile | SIM profile information |
provider | Service provider name |
session_start | Start time of the session |
session_end | End time of the session |
kilobytes | Data usage in kilobytes |
sms_mo | Outgoing SMS count |
sms_mt | Incoming SMS count |
voice_mo | Outgoing voice call count |
voice_mt | Incoming voice call count |
country_name | Name of the country where the usage occurred |
mcc | Mobile Country Code |
network_operator_name | Network operator name |
mnc | Mobile Network Code |
tags | Tags associated with the SIM |
Last updated