Transaction details

The details of any async batch operation can be seen here. The header shows the same information seen in the Transactions History summary table.

Basic table features

  • Search: for a specific SIM by entering the EID/ ICCID of the SIM

  • Filtering/Sorting: the table allows filtering/sorting where applicable and resetting of the filters

  • Column selection: select the columns to be displayed

  • Pagination: select how many rows of data (bulk transactions) should be displayed & navigate multiple pages

The Transactions detail summary table is explained below.


The connectivity profile’s identifier.


The SIM card identifier


Explains the status of the current transaction and the reason for it


Indicates whether the transaction triggered was:

  • FAILED - transaction failed due to some errors (e.g. another transaction for the same SIM was triggered earlier)

  • SUCCESS - transaction was successfully executed

  • IN_PROGRESS - the platform is currently processing the transaction and it is queued for execution

  • PENDING - transaction was sent to connectivity provider systems and is awaiting a response of execution

  • WARNING - transaction could cause permanent change

  • REJECTED - transaction was rejected (e.g. due to wrong format of request)

  • INVALID - transaction requested was invalid (e.g. due to wrong data variables)

  • EXPIRED - transaction expired due to timeout or other reasons

  • CANCELED - transaction was cancelled

Created at

The timestamp when the transaction was triggered.

Updated at

The timestamp when the transaction was updated by the platform due to an update from the Connectivity provider platforms.

Last updated